An Outreach of New Life Christian Church

About Us

about p4c

We are a faith-based community impact organization.

Passion for Community is a group of volunteers with an ambitious goal: We serve as a catalyst for unleashing the power of compassion in our local communities – one life and one act of kindness at a time. In fulfilling this mission, we will reflect the character and essence of Jesus Christ. Our volunteer-led organization is focused on building healthier communities by providing for the practical and spiritual needs of those seeking to overcome homelessness and domestic violence in our community.

WHO WE ARE Passion for Community is...

  • Faith-Based

  • A Faith Based Community Organization founded by New Life Christian Church

    We are a Christian, faith-based organization whose religious beliefs play an important role in our mission. As Christians, we believe we are called to reflect the character and essence of Jesus Christ in the world.

    Yes, our values and beliefs significantly shape how we do our work. However, adopting our beliefs is not a prerequisite for anyone receiving the benefits of our outreaches or resources. Rather, Passion for Community strictly adheres to the federal guidelines for faith-based and community organizations. These guidelines set the criteria by which organizations such a Passion for Community can serve the community while retaining their faith-based identity.

  • Locally Focused

  • Serves the underprivileged in Fairfax County

    Despite being one of the richest counties in the country, homelessness and domestic violence are a real and growing issue in Fairfax County. According to the Fairfax County Office to Prevent and End Homelessness, the Fairfax community has the 2nd largest homeless population in the region. The most recent data has found that Fairfax County experienced an 18% increase in homelessness in 2021 over 2020.

    We partner with organizations such as Shelter House, Cornerstones Inc., and the Fairfax Department of Family Services to provide hope and a fresh start to underserved Fairfax residents. At P4C we strive to build a healthier community by helping our less fortunate neighbors.

  • 100% Volunteer

  • Led and Operated by Volunteers

    At P4C volunteers equip volunteers to serve the needs of the community. None of our staff, leadership or board of directors receives compensation for their services. In 2021 our volunteers provided over 7,000 hours of uncompensated time. Our core volunteers are dedicated to the mission. We don’t like to spend money on lavish parties or fancy gifts. We would prefer to use that money to buy more brand-new beds for our clients. Thus over 90% of our donations go directly to fund our program expenses. When you work at P4C you might get a nice sweatshirt, but the real gift is the satisfaction of knowing you have served the Lord by serving those he loves.

A Faith Based Community Organization founded by New Life Christian Church

We are a Christian, faith-based organization whose religious beliefs play an important role in our mission. As Christians, we believe we are called to reflect the character and essence of Jesus Christ in the world.

Yes, our values and beliefs significantly shape how we do our work. However, adopting our beliefs is not a prerequisite for anyone receiving the benefits of our outreaches or resources. Rather, Passion for Community strictly adheres to the federal guidelines for faith-based and community organizations. These guidelines set the criteria by which organizations such a Passion for Community can serve the community while retaining their faith-based identity.

Serves the underprivileged in Fairfax County

Despite being one of the richest counties in the country, homelessness and domestic violence are a real and growing issue in Fairfax County. According to the Fairfax County Office to Prevent and End Homelessness, the Fairfax community has the 2nd largest homeless population in the region. The most recent data has found that Fairfax County experienced an 18% increase in homelessness in 2021 over 2020.

We partner with organizations such as Shelter House, Cornerstones Inc., and the Fairfax Department of Family Services to provide hope and a fresh start to underserved Fairfax residents. At P4C we strive to build a healthier community by helping our less fortunate neighbors.

Led and Operated by Volunteers

At P4C volunteers equip volunteers to serve the needs of the community. None of our staff, leadership or board of directors receives compensation for their services. In 2021 our volunteers provided over 7,000 hours of uncompensated time. Our core volunteers are dedicated to the mission. We don’t like to spend money on lavish parties or fancy gifts. We would prefer to use that money to buy more brand-new beds for our clients. Thus over 90% of our donations go directly to fund our program expenses. When you work at P4C you might get a nice sweatshirt, but the real gift is the satisfaction of knowing you have served the Lord by serving those he loves.

Passion for Community exists to be a catalyst for unleashing the power of compassion in our local communities, one life and one act of kindness at a time. We exist to be the fragrance of Jesus Christ in the world.

OUR HISTORY Serving the Community Since 2004

Passion for Community was founded in 2004 as an outreach ministry of New Life Christian Church. P4C started out as a multifaceted organization. In the early days P4C provided educational classes, social activities, care/support groups, volunteering, and other community services. In 2007 a group of volunteers started a ministry within P4C called Spring which focused on providing furniture and household goods to families and individuals recovering from homelessness and domestic violence. It turned out there was a huge need in Fairfax County for Spring’s services, and over time Spring became the primary ministry within P4C.

OUR VALUES Serving the Community for Christ is Our Passion

We genuinely care for all people from all walks of life, and we treat everyone with dignity and respect, whether client, social worker, supporter, or volunteer.

We are always honest, truthful, and non-judgmental.

We seek to unlock the power of compassion in our community. Neighbors serving one another builds stronger communities. We maximize the use of volunteers in every part of our organization.

We hold ourselves to high professional standards when serving our clients.

We provide items we are proud to give to our clients. We accept clean, lightly used or easily repairable items, and purchase brand new beds.

We share who we are and why we serve with everyone we meet. We make time to listen, empathize and pray with and over everyone that would like prayer.


Our Statement of Faith

Since we are an outreach of New Life Christian Church, we share their Statement of Faith.